Uniting tools isn't enough.
True power comes from a
seamless whole.

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Single, Unified - Whole Platform.

Having multiple security products and cannot deploy them easily or quickly? Even if you deployed them, are they working properly? Integrations of security tools getting you nervous? You’re right.
Logsign offers a single, unified whole security operation platform to alleviate the challenges associated with deploying multiple cyber security tools while reducing the costs and complexities that come with managing them individually.
This is achieved through the integration of various native Logsign tools, such as Security Information and Event Management (SIEM), Threat Intelligence, User Entity Behaviour Analytics (UEBA), and Threat Detection, Investigation, and Response (TDIR) into Logsign’s Unified SO Platform.
No headaches, no chaos.

Ease of Use

Logsign can provide the empathy that your security team may be missing. A cleverly designed User Interface enables security teams to work efficiently in complex environments without suffocating. Hundreds of predefined visualisation tools: ready-made report templates, flexibility and customisation, drag-and-drop ease of use.

Hassle-Free Deployment

Deployments are costly, time consuming, and sometimes even a complete failure. It’s time to have a single, unified - whole platform. Logsign offers an extensive selection of pre-built integration libraries, vendor-specific visualisation, and reporting tools. To alleviate the deployment risks, chaos, and unpredictable costs, Logsign is here to be the new tech in your network.


Don’t have time to wait tens of minutes for a query? Logsign's search speed is lightning fast just as its threat detection and response capabilities. It only takes a few seconds, or even milliseconds, to have actionable results. Search or investigation on correlated and enriched data has never been so fast.

Stress-Free Sizing, No Hidden Cost

Project sizing doesn’t always have to be a pain in the neck. Your organisation tends to grow like the others, and so do your network and requirements for robust cybersecurity. The skill set of the cybersecurity team and features of the products used should constantly be enriched. Even if the data exceeds, why are the costs of security investments so burdensome? Logsign offers unlimited capacity subscription licencing options based on the features and architecture needed. No add-ons and no hidden costs.

Gartner Peer Insights Logo

Trusted among security teams worldwide.

Provides a comprehensive solution to enhance your organization's cyber resilience, facilitating smooth operations, seamless deployment, rapid and timely detection, and efficient response. With its user-friendly interface, Logsign simplifies the process and ensures a hassle-free experience for your teams.

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