
SIEM Deployment Checklist

25.09.2019 Read
SIEM Deployment Checklist

SIEM deployment process can be rather involved and overwhelming since SIEM can offer a wide array of solutions for different needs of your organization. In this blog post, we discussed the deployment process of SIEM and added a brief checklist. SIEM tools have been one of the most topical tools in the industry for a while now. They offer a wide range of solutions to organizations from various backgrounds and sectors. With SIEM tools, you can streamline the security measures and protocols of your business in order to be quick to act in any security event. Moreover, SIEM tools allow you to take necessary actions before security incidents happen. You can use AI capabilities of your SIEM tools to process the data gathered from your networks and devices to scan vulnerabilities, suspicious action and unusual data traffic. As a result, you can act before any serious security incidents happen. In addition, SIEM tools help you with anything and everything in regards to the compliance needs of your business. In fact, many companies opt for SIEM solutions for merely compliance purposes.

What Should You Consider Before Buying SIEM

As we briefly explained above, SIEM is the best friend of your cyber security team. It eases many complicated security processes and provides very valuable insights. Moreover, it can also check your compliance status for you. As you can see, SIEM tools are pretty versatile. They can do so much more than you accounted them for. As a result, you must consider what you need your SIEM to do for you before buying it. SIEM can be streamlined with other security tools you already have and be upgraded with additional packs that offer you very specific solutions for your very specific needs. That is why you must first assess the needs and vulnerabilities of the security posture of your business.

You need to be able to give a clear answer to the following question: Why exactly do you need SIEM solutions? Once you answer this question, your vendor’s ability to help you will considerably increase. You Bought Your SIEM, Now What? After you purchased the SIEM tools you need, the next step is deployment. Unlike antivirus or anti-malware software, SIEM is a very context dependent tool. Of course, there are numerous general use cases such as traffic from dark net, botnet detection, IDS alerts and more. But aside from these out-of-the-box content, your SIEM can manage much more complicated tasks. That is why, deployment process of your SIEM is rather an intricate one. After buying your product, you need to set it up. At this point, you must be aware of the other security tools you have and how well they are incorporated into the SIEM dashboard. In the next step, you must be operating your SIEM solution. This step involves setting up and streamlining additional features along with learning how exactly they work and what exactly they will provide you. After you operate your SIEM solution, you must keep a keen eye on it. As you use your SIEM tools, they will gather valuable and actionable information for you to enhance the security posture of your organization. SIEM is not a tool that you deploy and forget. You can update and evolve it as the time goes. Moreover, it can change and adapt the new needs of your organization.

A Brief Summary: SIEM Deployment Checklist

Below you can find 6 step SIEM deployment checklist that summarizes what we explained above.

Step 1: Assess the needs of your organization and decide why you need SIEM, and what you expect SIEM to do for you.
Step 2: Make a short list of potential SIEM vendors that can provide you what you need.
Step 3: Communicate with the vendors on your list and ask for a proof of concept (POC) performance. Thus you can make an informed decision.
Step 4: Buy and set up the SIEM solution you have chosen.
Step 5: Operate your SIEM solution.
Step 6: Regularly assess the information offered by your SIEM. Thus you can evolve and expand your SIEM architecture and use cases. In addition, you can enhance the security posture of your organization.

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